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Welcome to the Delhi Bar Association's Job Portal for Advocates! This is your one-stop-shop for all legal job opportunities - making the search for your dream job easier than ever! With its launch by Nitin Ahlawat, President of the Delhi Bar Association, you can now search for jobs in the legal field in one place. Get ready to explore all the different job opportunities available, right here in Delhi.
We are a full-service law firm with offices strategically located in New Delhi, INDIA.
De-Jure is recognized as one of the fastest-growing law firms in the Tri-State area of Delhi NCR. For more than 20 years our team of professionals has been successfully providing public and private sector clients with legal strategy, government advocacy, and business solutions. Our attorneys are professional, responsive, insightful, and perceptive and work tirelessly to advocate on behalf of our clients’ interests. Our service-driven approach to law is the foundation of our firm’s success and has fostered a reputation for excellence and client satisfaction.
The Legal Saints law firm is a professional organization comprised of one or more lawyers who collaborate to provide legal services to individuals, businesses, or other entities. Our firm is established to offer legal representation, advice, and expertise in various areas of law, such as criminal defense, civil litigation, corporate law, family law, intellectual property, and more.
The Legal Saints often have specialized attorneys who focus on specific legal disciplines, allowing them to effectively address the unique needs of their clients. Clients typically seek the assistance of law firms for a wide range of legal matters, including contract drafting, dispute resolution, legal consultation, and representation in court.
The Legal Saints law firm is a professional organization comprised of one or more lawyers who collaborate to provide legal services to individuals, businesses, or other entities. Our firm is established to offer legal representation, advice, and expertise in various areas of law, such as criminal defense, civil litigation, corporate law, family law, intellectual property, and more.
The Legal Saints often have specialized attorneys who focus on specific legal disciplines, allowing them to effectively address the unique needs of their clients. Clients typically seek the assistance of law firms for a wide range of legal matters, including contract drafting, dispute resolution, legal consultation, and representation in court.
Our complex legal system offers a wide variety of career options. If you’re thinking about a career as a solicitor, or if you’re already qualified and want to progress, our career advice can help you.